Cedar built Vocational Skills Training Base

In the final stage of the poverty alleviation, Cedar Holdings has doubled down its efforts in the East-West Poverty Alleviation Collaboration. It focused on freeing people from worries over food and clothing, also ensured their access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing. This is Cedar acting on the central government's instruction and Guangzhou government's guidance. As Guangzhou targets its help at Bijie, city in Guizhou, Cedar Holdings follows suit and work on poverty alleviation through education. Cedar built education infrastructure and launched a variety of education projects in the local area, contributing to the critical battle against poverty.

Guizhou is the main battlefield of China’s critical battle against poverty and Bijie is the main battlefield of Guizhou. Cedar Holdings took the initiative to put in practice President Xi's instructions and built the Bijie-Guangzhou Human Resources Development Base in Bijie to further human resources development. The construction of the Base is finished and put into operation. It can accommodate 3,000 people for vocational training and certification that covers 3 categories and 28 sub-categories of skills and techniques.

The base will continue to customize its education to the needs of the local industry development, focus on tourism services, automobile engineering, information technology services, and provide skills training, apprentice projects, entrepreneurship & innovation courses as well as skills certification. It is set to train skilled worker for the new demonstration zone in Bijie.

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