
Cedar saved unsalable potatoes for two consecutive years

Due to the bad weather and traffic conditions, potatoes of Chongli, Zhangjiakou, Hebei became unsaleable for 2018 and 2019. Upon learning this news, Cedar Holdings immediately initiated CSR response system to join force with Beijing Dongcheng District Government and other enterprises to handle the unsaleable potatoes.

At 9 am on the morning of 17 November 2019, a big truck arranged by Cedar Holdings was driven into East Lion Ravine Village, Chongli. After several hours, all unsaleable potatoes as many as 10 tons was loaded onto the truck and the truck hit the road at once. At 7 pm on the same day, the drivers delivered the potatoes to public welfare institutions in Beijing.

In the winter of 2019, potatoes of Luzhou village became unsalable due to the first snow that came especially early. Cedar Holdings placed the order of potatoes long before it was approached for help and the order became 15,000 kg compared to 10,000 kg last year. This not only protected villagers from losses but also prepared them for the ploughing in the next spring. This is Cedar Holdings helping lift poor farmers out of poverty.

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